Brain Health And Nutrition Plus A Snack Recipe Salmon With Spinach And Hummus On Brown Rice Cakes

I like to think of nutrition by organ system because in school I took anatomy & physiology and everything I knew about nutrition at that point started to really click in A&P!
Our brains- those fatty, electrical masses inside our heads that’s make us unique suck up energy and nutrients like you would not believe. But even though we know a lot we still are learning more about how nutrition impacts our mental health and how certain diets impact our risks of getting things like Alzheimers.

To make it even more complicated we now know about this “gut-brain axis” which really has an influence over our eating behaviors.

I know it’s really cool these days to have a diet that supports a lean muscular body but to me it’s even cooler how we can adopt eating patterns that majorly impact our brains!

Simple snack of omega-3 rich salmon on top of dark leafy vitamin rich greens , a smear of fiber fuel hummus on a rice cake (or toast, just make it crunchy!!) is SO satisfying and definitely amazing fuel for the brain!

Here is the recipe for Salmon with Spinach and Hummus on a Brown Rice Cake:


  • 1 Brown Rice Cake
  • 2 oz cooked salmon *
  • 1/2 Tbsp garlic hummus
  • 1/2 cup raw baby spinach


Cook salmon ahead of time and flake or buy pre-cooked canned salmon. My favorite brand is Wild Planet but choose whatever you enjoy the best :)!

Lay out 1 brown rice cake and spread on a thin layer of hummus. Place the spinach leave on top. You may chop the leaves or leave them whole. Then add the flaked salmon.

Add some salt and pepper for extra flavor, if you prefer and enjoy!